寰宇希望 2022在线筹款活动
寰宇希望 2022 筹款活动通知
⽹上筹款活动 – ⼀个“新常态”
在冠状疫情19期间,为了遵守阻断措施社交距离的限制,⼤家减少⾯对⾯的接触,各⼤慈善机构筹募的资⾦有所减少。作为⼀家公益机构(IPC)的慈善 机构,我们⾮常感谢新加坡政府和新加坡赛⻢博彩管理局,让慈善机构所收到的捐款,通过增强募捐(EFR)项⽬以⼀元对⼀元的⽅式拨款资助 ⾄ 3⽉31⽇。今年,您 的募捐和捐款将⽐往年更具意义和影响⼒,甚⾄翻倍。
I agree that by filling up this form, HOPE can use my personal information for donation-related and communication purposes. I understand that donations are eligible for 250% tax deduction and will be automatically included in my tax assessment if I have provided my tax reference number (e.g. NRIC/FIN/UEN). All donations made are non-refundable; please confirm your donation before proceeding.
Payment Instructions
Please indicate your Reference Number at “Add comments for Recipient".
Instructions for PayNow
1. Take a screen shot of HOPEwwS PayNow QR code.
2. Tap on the QR icon “Scan & pay: of your respective mobile banking app.
3. Tap on “Photo Library”, search and select the QR screenshot.
4. You will be directed to login your bank account details.
5. HOPE worldwide Singapore (S98SS0151F) should appear as the payee.
6. Enter the donation amount.
7.Click “Done" to complete transaction.
Thank you for your contribution!
Bank Transfer
Beneficiary Name: HOPE worldwide (Singapore)
Bank Account Number: 001-070707-8 (DBS Current Account)
Please indicate your Reference Number at “Add comments for Recipient".
Thank you for your contribution!
Telegraphic Transfer
Name of Beneficiary: HOPE worldwide (Singapore).
Bank Account Number: 001-070707-8.
Type of Account: Current Account.
Name of Beneficiary Bank: DBS Bank.
Address of Beneficiary Bank: 12 Marina Boulevard, DBS Asia Central, Marina Bay Financial Centre Tower 3, Singapore 018982.
Country: Singapore.
Swift Bank Indentifer Code (BIC): DBSSSGSG
Please indicate your reference number at “Add comments for Recipient".
You may make your payment using this link on Paypal.
Cheque Donation
Payable to HOPE Worldwide (S)
HOPE worldwide Singapore, 1 Edgefield Walk, Singapore 828850
Attn: Esther Ong.
For 2.5x tax deduction, indicate at back of cheque:
1) NRIC Name and NRIC Number OR
Company Name and UEN Number
2) Contact number
Please indicate on the back of your cheque your Reference Number.
Thank you for your contribution!
Online Giving Platforms
Please indicate your Reference Number at Giving.sg website when you donate
Additional payment modes like
“Grabpay, MasterCard, VISA, Amercian Express, NETSPay, PayLah, Pay Anyone and UOB Mighty.
For Assistance
You can contact us at donation@hopewwsea.org or call 63129671.